We’re delighted to present the UK’s only one-day Orthodontic course on 3D digital design, in-house appliance fabrication & 3D metal printed appliances.
Established in 2023, this one day has been guiding orthodontists & technicians through the steps involved with in-house appliance fabrication, using orthodontic CAD-CAM software to make retainers, aligners & the digital Twin Block design. 3D printing processes will be covered, and you'll gain from our experience in the successful fabrication of thermoplastic appliances.
We will also share our designs and experiences of 3D metal printed appliances eg RME (including bone anchored versions) & the Herbst appliance, to enable attendees to start using these new innovative applications with confidence.
Plus, we describe how to work digitally with an external lab for rapid delivery of 3D printed metal appliances & CAD-CAM orthognathic wafers.
Finally, we also now offer a post-course on-line mentoring service (charged at a separate hourly rate). This enables attendees to focus on a topic of their choice such as aligner case set-up, ideally using one of their own cases.